The Ultimate Website is not The Website



Mr Beast & The Ultimate Website is Not The Website

Mr Beast & Intro
  • Gary introduces the video by Mr Beast and says the theme is that the ultimate website is not the website. The video expresses something Gary has been working on for 25 years - trying to create the ultimate website.

  • In the video, Mr Beast says that with the right knowledge you could grow a massive audience and subscribers quickly on any platform. You don't need to be an expert in every platform - if you master creating great short form content, you can grow a huge audience across platforms.

  • Gary agrees with Mr Beast's viewpoint - there is an art and science to growing an audience through short form content. When Gary started using TikTok he realized you can build an audience very quickly through short videos.

  • Gary has been building websites for 25 years. A key benefit of a website is controlling the conversation and experience with your audience. Gary seems to imply that short form content is now an even more powerful way to control the conversation and build an audience.


What is a website?

What is a website
  • A website is an address online where you can share information, tell stories, sell products, make money, and convert visitors.

  • The visual design and functionality of a website don't matter as much as having a place to deliver your message and make money.

  • Gary emphasizes video as a key part of websites now - you can build a business by creating videos, even just using your phone.

  • His platform is designed to make it easy to create and share videos to grow a business.

  • Over time, Gary has simplified the process so you don't have to think about much besides making videos - the other technical aspects are taken care of.

  • The main focus should be creating videos to share your story, engage visitors, and ultimately make money from the website.


News: AI Executive Order and AI Safety Summit

News AI EO & Safety
  • The U.S. government recently issued an executive order focused on regulating AI to make it safer. This is the first time the government has taken action on this issue.

  • There was also a UK AI safety summit around the same time, with major companies attending to discuss AI safety.

  • Gary tried to get an AI assistant to summarize a Wall Street Journal article on the summit, but it provided inaccurate information, claiming 10,000 people and 100 companies attended when the article didn't state those figures.

  • When Gary challenged the assistant on the source of the inaccurate info, it provided a broken link and then claimed the information must have changed since it read the article.

  • Gary sees this as an example of how influential but incorrect information can be, even for him in telling this story. It highlights concerns about the current state of AI and the importance of making progress on safety and regulation.


News: ChatGPT New Model / Create Custom GPTs

ChatGPT has released a new model and app store features that allow anyone to easily build and monetize AI applications by providing data and interaction instructions, without needing to know how to code.

New ChatGPT Release
  • ChatGPT released a major update with a new model and features 2 days ago.

  • They created an "app store" where users can upload data, create instructions for how an AI should interact with that data, and then monetize it by charging others to use their customized AI apps.

  • This allows anyone to build AI-powered software without coding, since large language models work based on word prediction rather than traditional code logic.

  • The key is having relevant data to train the models. This allows regular people to build and charge for their own AI apps.

  • Zapier recently partnered with OpenAI to allow combining ChatGPT with Zapier's features to easily automate workflows.

  • Gary sees this as hugely significant - an app store model where anyone can create and monetize AI apps without needing to code, just by providing data and interaction instructions.

@kanekallaway OpenAI’s latest innovation might be bigger than the original ChatGPT #ai #artificialintelligence #openai #chatgpt #gpt #gpt4 #samaltman #microsoft #google #tech ♬ original sound - Kallaway

Custom ChatGPT Added to Ultimate Website

Gary discusses the integration of a user-friendly chatbot feature using Zapier on the Custom GPT Ultimate Website, highlighting its potential and ease of use for personal, business, or incubator applications.

Ultimate ChatGPT
  1. Introduction to Custom GPT Ultimate Website

    • Gary introduces the feature on the Custom GPT Ultimate Website.

    • Explanation of the document upload and interaction process.

  2. Integration of Zapier Product

    • Discussion of the ease of integrating a chatbot using Zapier.

    • Description of the customization process with sliders.

    • Mention of embedding the chatbot in websites.

  3. Mixed Feelings about Zapier Integration

    • Gary expresses mixed reviews: sometimes it works well, other times it's unreliable.

    • Acknowledgment of the current limitations and potential for future improvements.

  4. The Potential and Impact of ChatGPT Technology

    • Discussion about the advancements in chatbot technology, specifically ChatGPT.

    • The importance and novelty of such technology in various fields.

  5. Offer to Access the Chatbot Tool

    • Gary offers access to this tool for personal, business, or incubator use.

    • Encouragement to experiment and utilize the chatbot feature.

  6. Benefits of Creating Your Own Chatbot

    • Gary emphasizes the significance of being able to create and claim ownership of a chatbot.

    • The feature's installation across various sites he has worked on.

  7. Conclusion and Emphasis on Innovation

    • Highlighting the importance and cool aspect of the chatbot feature.

    • Encouragement to embrace this new technology for various applications.


7 Ultimate Websites Installed

Gary discusses his service of efficiently installing personalized websites, offering collaborative opportunities for customization and development, along with continuous support and training for editing and content management.

7 sites
  1. Introduction to Website Installation Service

    • Gary, announces the installation of seven sites for interested parties.

    • Instructions on how to request a site installation through an email or a provided link.

  2. Efficient Installation Process

    • Description of the efficient process of creating and duplicating sites.

    • Personalization of sites with individual names and details.

  3. Business Model and Collaboration Opportunity

    • Gary's plan to sell these sites at a discount and connect buyers with the audience for further development.

    • Potential for audience members to eventually sell these sites independently.

    • The high potential value of these sites to customers.

  4. Website Features and Customization

    • Discussion of the site's features, including a chatbot and various customizable tools.

    • Emphasis on the ability to tailor the site to individual or customer needs.

  5. Training and Support for Site Editing

    • Commitment to guide through site editing, including branding and content updates.

    • Focus on video editing and content enhancement as part of the training.

  6. Interactive Learning Opportunity

    • Creation of a site named 'Riverbank interns' for experimental purposes.

    • Invitation to edit and experiment with the site without the fear of causing damage.

  7. Continuous Improvement and Support

    • Gary's ongoing commitment to refine and optimize the site design.

    • Assurance of support for content updates and implementation of new features.


Inviting Editors to Your Website

Inviting Editors

Gary explains the process of adding editors to a website by assigning them as admins in the settings, emphasizing this as a key step for users to independently manage and collaborate on their sites.


Customize your domain name

Custom Domain

Gary explains how to customize the domain name of a website, providing guidance on changing it, checking availability, and noting the pre-set names and expiration date of May 2024 for free usage.


Change Your Company Name

Change Company Name

Gary explains the process of changing a company's name on a website, detailing how to navigate and edit different sections and blocks, specifically focusing on customizing the site title and logo in the header.


Change your logo

Change Your Logo

Gary explains how to change a company's logo on a website, encourages exploring its features for learning, and praises Dolly 3 as an effective tool for creating logos, emphasizing its importance in branding.

  1. Logo Replacement Instructions

    • Gary provides guidance on how to replace the logo on the website, emphasizing its placement in the header.

  2. Brand Customization

    • Encouragement to change both the company name and logo as part of branding.

  3. Exploring Website Features

    • Invitation to explore various features of the website for deeper learning and understanding.

  4. Focus on Key Aspects

    • Gary's intention to focus on teaching key elements, particularly branding, to maintain focus and productivity.

  5. Logo Creation Tools

    • Discussion about using Dolly 3 as a powerful logo generator.

    • Personal experience of Gary with logo generation and his preference for Dolly 3 over previous versions.


Editing Content: Hero


Gary instructs on editing website content, focusing on text and video integration, encouraging compelling headlines and the use of engaging visuals like short videos and images to enhance the site's appeal.

  1. Basics of Editing Content

    • Gary introduces how to edit text content on the website, emphasizing the simplicity of the process.

  2. Text Box Editing

    • Detailed instructions on editing text boxes, including changing font sizes and styles.

  3. Focus on Content Quality

    • Encouragement to prioritize compelling content, particularly headlines and subheadlines, over design aesthetics.

  4. Video Integration in Sections

    • Explanation of how to edit website sections to include background videos.

    • Mention of Pica Pica Labs for creating short video backgrounds.

  5. Uploading Videos to Squarespace

    • Discussion of the new feature in Squarespace allowing direct video uploads from devices like phones.

  6. Encouragement to Use Videos

    • Gary emphasizes the power of video content and encourages experimentation with video uploads and image changes.

  7. Visual Elements Enhancement

    • Suggestions on creating an engaging visual experience with images and videos, alongside editing text.


About Section Editing


Gary guides on editing the 'About' section of a website, advocating for the use of accordion tools and summary blocks to organize content effectively, emphasizing the need for a clean and structured website for longevity and ease of updates.

  1. Introduction to 'About' Section Editing

    • Gary introduces the editing process for the 'About' section of a website.

  2. Using Accordion Tools

    • Explanation of accordion tools for adding extensive content in a compact, user-friendly format.

  3. Benefits of Accordions in Web Design

    • Discussion on the advantages of accordions for organizing information and facilitating easy browsing.

  4. Summary Block Feature

    • Description of the summary block, which helps in organizing and displaying content efficiently.

  5. Website Content Management Philosophy

    • Gary emphasizes the importance of keeping websites organized and clean to extend their usability and avoid clutter.

  6. Efficient Use of Blog Posts

    • Advice on creating content strategically, focusing on quality blog posts and integrating them with videos.

  7. Blog Post Integration in Sections

    • Detailed explanation of how summary blocks can be used to feature blog posts in different website sections.

  8. Simplifying Website Updates

    • Highlighting the ease of updating website content by summarizing and attaching blog posts to relevant sections.


Custom Chatbot Section

Custom Chatbot

Gary explains how to integrate and customize a chatbot using code blocks and Zapier, and provides detailed instructions on managing and styling website sections, including changing backgrounds, colors, and the order of sections for effective web design.

  1. Introduction to the Chatbot Section

    • Gary introduces the chatbot section of the website and its functionality.

  2. Using Code Blocks for Integration

    • Explanation of how to use script codes, provided by various companies, to integrate widgets like chatbots into the website.

  3. Zapier Chatbot Customization

    • Discussion on the use of Zapier for chatbot integration and the offer to create and provide access to a customized chatbot.

  4. Editing the Section's Appearance

    • Instructions on how to set and modify the background of a section, including images and colors.

  5. Brand Color Customization

    • Highlighting the ability to change the color scheme of the section to align with brand colors.

  6. Section Management Tools

    • Description of tools for duplicating, saving, deleting, and rearranging sections within the website.

  7. Efficient Section Handling

    • Advice on managing website sections effectively, such as saving sections before deletion for future use.

  8. Reordering Website Sections

    • Guidance on changing the order of sections within the website layout.


Testimonials Section


Gary explains how to effectively add and edit testimonials on a website, emphasizing their importance for credibility and SEO, and suggesting integrating Google Reviews with an option to link to full testimonials.


Video Blogs Summary

Video Blog Summmary

Gary describes the video blog section of a website, focusing on the use of summary blocks and tagging for organizing and filtering content, making it easier for users to navigate through numerous video blog posts.

  1. Overview of Video Blog Section

    • Introduction to the video blog section on the website, highlighting its text box feature for customization.

  2. Using Summary Blocks

    • Description of the summary block within the video blog section and how to identify it.

  3. Content Source and Metadata

    • Explanation that the summary block pulls content from the blog, including details about metadata like tags.

  4. Filtering Blog Content

    • Instructions on how to filter blog content using features and tags to display specific types of posts.

  5. Content Organization Strategy

    • Gary compares the organization of content in this section to a Netflix menu, emphasizing the use of tags for categorizing and simplifying navigation through large amounts of content.


Email Newsletter Subscribe

Email Newsletter Subscribe

Gary highlights the critical role of an email subscription section in marketing, emphasizing the importance of building an email list and detailing how to customize this section with visuals and newsletter forms for effective communication and content distribution.

  1. Introduction to Email Subscription Section

    • Gary discusses the email newsletter section and its critical importance in digital marketing.

  2. Importance of an Email List

    • Emphasis on the value of having an email list, especially given the unpredictability of social media marketing.

  3. Content Creation and Distribution

    • Discussion on the necessity of regular content creation, particularly videos, and the benefits of distributing this content via email.

  4. Email Subscription as a Marketing Tool

    • The importance of collecting email addresses for direct communication and content sharing.

  5. Customizing the Email Section

    • Instructions on how to customize the email subscription section with graphics and design elements.

  6. Newsletter Block Features

    • Description of the newsletter block and its capabilities, including form customization and design flexibility.

  7. Email Collection and Management

    • Details on how collected emails are managed within Squarespace or can be integrated with Google services.


Events Section


Gary describes the events section of a website, which uses text and summary blocks to dynamically display upcoming events from a designated page, in line with a long-scroll design strategy for easy user navigation on a single page.


Who We Are Section

Who we are

Gary explains the 'Who We Are' section's purpose and design, stressing the importance of personal images and storytelling, and discusses enhancing blog visual appeal with a special coding hack for more striking and personalized content presentation.

  1. Intro to 'Who We Are' Section

    • Gary discusses the 'Who We Are' section, differentiating it from the testimonials section and emphasizing its flexibility in positioning on the page.

  2. Importance of Personalization

    • The emphasis on the importance of featuring personal images and engaging directly with the audience.

  3. Extending Content Through Blog Posts

    • Suggestion to create blog pages for telling more detailed stories, with an option to link from shorter bios.

  4. Demonstration of Blog Features

    • Description of typical blog features, including subscription options and image placements.

  5. Visual Treatment in Blogs

    • Discussion of a unique visual approach in blogs using striking images and a coding hack for enhanced visual appeal.

  6. Personal Storytelling through Blogs

    • Encouragement to use blogs for personal storytelling, with the possibility of using visually impactful images.

  7. Utilizing Custom Code for Enhanced Design

    • Mention of a custom code hack that Gary has integrated to improve the visual aspect of blog pages.


Partners Section


Gary discusses the creation and customization of logos in the partners section, highlighting the use of Dolly 3 and vector graphic tools to enhance logo quality and presentation, emphasizing the importance of visually appealing logos to represent business partnerships effectively.

  1. Introduction to Partners Section

    • Gary introduces the partners section, primarily featuring logos.

  2. Creation and Customization of Logos

    • Explanation of how logos are created using Dolly 3 and converted into vector graphics for better quality and customization.

  3. Using SVG Image Tool

    • Description of the SVG Image tool's functionality in converting images to vector graphics.

  4. Enhancing Logo Presentation

    • Discussion of the process of editing logos using graphic design tools like Kapwing to fit brand color schemes.

  5. Importance of Quality Logos

    • Emphasis on the necessity of having high-quality logos, especially for representing partnerships and sponsorships.

  6. Redrawing Logos for Clarity

    • Suggestion to have logos redrawn for clarity and aesthetic appeal, using cost-effective methods.

  7. Demonstrating Business Relationships

    • The significance of showcasing business relationships through well-designed logos in the partners section.

  8. Ease of Logo Customization

    • Gary remarks on the simplicity and effectiveness of this process in enhancing the partners section.


Ecommerce Section


Gary describes the e-commerce store section of a website, highlighting its design for showcasing products with personal photography, ease of adding product details and transaction capabilities, and the flexibility in customizing and organizing the store layout.

  1. Intro to E-Commerce Store Section

    • Gary introduces the e-commerce store section of the website, intended for listing personally endorsed products.

  2. Personal Touch in Product Photography

    • Mention of how the product images were personally shot by Gary using a phone in portrait mode.

  3. Product Summary and Display

    • Description of the summary block used for showcasing products in the e-commerce section.

  4. Setting Up an Online Store

    • Instructions on how to create an online cart for selling products, with a note on the necessity of a payment plan for transactions.

  5. Design and Layout of the Store

    • Discussion of the store's design, focusing on ease of use, with features for adding images, descriptions, pricing, and an 'add to cart' option.

  6. Flexibility in Product Information

    • Gary highlights the capability to add detailed individual information for each product.

  7. E-Commerce Platform Customization

    • Emphasis on the simplicity and visual appeal of the e-commerce platform provided for users.

  8. Organization of Store Sections

    • Note on the flexibility to rearrange the order of different sections within the e-commerce store.


AI Policy

AI Policy

Gary explains the creation of an AI policy section on a website, focusing on transparently labeling AI-generated content using easy coding hacks in Squarespace, to proactively address public concerns and potential regulations related to AI usage.

  1. Transparency in AI Usage

    • The emphasis on the need to explain how AI is used, comparing it to a food labeling system for clarity.

  2. Easy Implementation of AI Labels

    • Description of a simple method to label AI-generated content on the site using a code chunk.

  3. Examples of AI Applications

    • Suggestions for labeling different types of AI applications, such as AI-generated text or video scripts.

  4. Coding Hacks in Squarespace

    • Mention of the ability to use coding hacks in Squarespace for specific functionalities, including the AI policy.

  5. Usage of Special Codes for AI Labels

    • Instruction on how to use special codes (e.g., tilde AI space) to generate AI labels on the website.

  6. Purpose of AI Policy

    • Discussion on the importance of being transparent and proactive about AI usage, especially in light of potential regulations and public concerns.

  7. Proactive Approach to AI Regulation

    • Gary emphasizes the importance of having an AI policy to stay ahead in terms of regulatory compliance and ethical considerations.


Concluding Summary of Everything


In a comprehensive review, Coach Piron clarifies various website elements including content sections, video formatting, AI integration, and encourages collaborative exploration and learning, while Gary responds with detailed explanations and confirms the functionality and adaptability of the website's features.

  1. Overview of Website Elements

    • Coach Piron seeks clarification on various website elements: hero image, story section, chat for communication, testimonials, video blog, email subscription, local announcements, career opportunities, 'Who We Are' section, partnerships, special promotions, e-commerce store, FAQ section, and contact information.

  2. Questions on Deleting Website Elements

    • Coach Piron asks Gary about the consequences of deleting elements and the possibility of retrieving them later.

  3. Discussion on Video Content

    • Piron talks about the use of portrait mode for short-form videos and landscape mode for sports-related content like highlight reels and coach interviews, mentioning the adaptability of different video formats on the website.

  4. Use of AI and Video Scripts

    • The conversation includes the use of AI for generating video scripts and the integration of long-form content in blog posts.

  5. Video Formatting Queries

    • Coach Piron inquires about the conversion of landscape videos to portrait format for the website and the importance of using trailers for long-form content.

  6. Encouragement to Explore the Website

    • Piron encourages others to experiment with the website, emphasizing the importance of journaling and planning content.

  7. Collaborative Learning Approach

    • Piron suggests the attendees help each other in learning and navigating the website's features rather than relying solely on Gary.

  8. Closing Remarks and Follow-Up

    • Coach Piron concludes the session, mentioning follow-up on certain website issues and the availability of previous session videos for further learning.


AI Images


Getting started with The Ultimate Website