Your marketing should be made of moments.

A study was conducted to determine how long a moment is.

What they learned was that nervous systems vary in how fast they process information.

This is why a fly sits there until the very last second to move when you try to swat them.

You see, to them, you’re moving in slow motion because of how fast their nervous system processes information.

Birds too — this is how they can fly and dart at unimaginable speeds.

So how about humans?

Well that’s a more interesting situation.

Because human attention spans have been changing. According to one study, from 12 seconds in the year 2000, to eight seconds today. Less than a goldfish, which apparently is nine seconds.

So if a moment for us is 8 seconds, what makes a moment?

When you're sitting with your family or friends, what does a moment feel like?

It’s typically a story — about a grade on a test, a funny video you saw. A food we should try to make. Something stupid or funny somebody said.

What does a discussion around these things look like?

They all — have a beginning, a middle and an end.

Now big moments we re-member. We loop them. They’re short. They elicit emotion. They stick.

This is why the 6 second video on Vine was so ground-breaking and the 15 second TikTok has created hundreds of millions of followers and billions of exposures.

So I propose to you: Start writing everything about your company, your products, your people. Your ideas about what and why you do what you do — as moments.

String these together and at a minimum, share one every week. Forever.

Tap into the purest marketing there is. One made of moments.

Together or individually — they tell a complete story.

which activates your audience … and that’s why your marketing should be made of moments.


Happy 15th Birthday iPhone!


I had a conversation with LaMDA — the first sentient AI?