The most potent substance known to marketing


Simplicity and consistency are two other key marketing attributes.

What makes “trust” the most powerful is that it defines marketing at its simplest and consistency serves to build more trust.

In the past, consistency was typically defined as your brand standards. Today, it’s that plus how you reach out to your audience regularly.

I believe short videos (i.e. TikToks, Reels and YouTube Shorts) are the must engaging (how many times have you heard TikTok is addicting?) and the easiest to produce.

Some hand-picked quotes on trust:

Trust the process
Trust is built with consistency
— Lincoln Chafee
Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.
— Stephen Covey
To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
— George MacDonald

Our client list and year established is meant to communicate one measure by which you can trust a partnership with us in you marketing efforts.

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How I fixed this bad profile pic


Why your company should tell its story as TikToks