May is marketing mental health awareness month

As a marketer, I’m going to show you how I keep my gray matter in peak condition.

Much of this was inspired by Cal Newport’s book “Deep Work”

Disable all social media notifications so that you choose when to check. That includes filtering email notifications — again, your choosing when to check your latest activity

Now I want you to use your email’s scheduled send feature so that people only see responses from you from 9-5 or your normal working hours.

And finally, try taking cold showers like I started 498 days ago when I was inspired by the ice man Wim Hof and  studies suggesting cold showers can improve depression, lessen anxiety, heighten your immune system and make you more resistant to illness. 

Try some of these and let me know what you think.


Take creativity out of marketing


Best way to setup your #image library for your #marketing