Best way to setup your #image library for your #marketing

I want to show you the best way I’ve found to set up your image library for your marketing

Treat your image library like a stock photo website.

Put every single image in one directory.

No subfolders or clicking around - just scrolling and scanning.

Only choose quality photos.

Like Maria Kondo says, if you don’t love it, get rid of it.

Pick a single best from a series and discard the rest.

Now, rename every file.

Remove meaningless information.

And then label from left to right: start with general categories - people, place, event, stock.

This will group your images as you scan into key categories.

Then describe what’s in the photo with as few keywords as possible.

Go from broad to specific.

Don’t use meaningless designations like “a, b, c”.

Filter by keyword with Google Search.

You will see your organization differently when you can scan and filter your visuals like this.


How to do this

  • Create a folder within Google Docs — I like to call it Images Master

  • Drag any and all images we can use for your marketing into the folder

    • Images must be the highest resolution you have. Minimum dimension should be 1,500 pixels wide (or larger).

    • Do not put up any small or low quality images

  • Once images are uploaded, rename every image

    • Lower case with “dashes” separating words — no spaces or special characters

    • Name with keywords from broad to narrow — use the first keyword like a category

      • Examples: people, places, things, events

      • Remove any information from the file name that doesn’t identify what’s in the image

        • i.e. things like “img”, or “img0065”

        • try not to use keywords in the image for what the image is/was used for — i.e. “annual-report” <— don’t use labels like this, only use labels for what’s happening in the picture

    • Don’t create any sub folders — every image in one director is easiest to scan

Uploading to Google Drive

We are far more efficient when we can share a single spot where all collaborators can find all of our assets. Google Drive is free and it’s what kids are used to using in school so it’s ideal when we use marketing interns.


May is marketing mental health awareness month


I don't know shit about Fu...